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Find important school information to ensure your student is ready for school.


Uniform policy

Uniform policy coming soon.

School uniforms can be purchased here.

Wellness policy

KCA supports the health and well-being of our students by promoting nutrition and physical activity at all grade levels. In accordance with federal law, it is the policy of KCA to provide students access to healthy foods and beverages; provide opportunities for developmentally appropriate physical activity; provide nutrition education, and require that all meals served by the school meet or exceed the federal nutritional guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


Read KCA's full Wellness Policy here


Get more information about enrolling your student at KCA.

6410 25th Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53143   I    262.383.2918   I

KCA prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, nationality, disability, age or ethnic origin. Click here to view our privacy policy.

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